Wednesday, June 9, 2010

When did mediocrity become acceptable?

Just because you laugh it off, or sulk, or retaliate, lackadaisicality isn't excused. I'm sick of it; in them, in me, in everyone.

I'm just ready to wear my heart on my sleeve. Even if I'm a fool for it. I ought to be an open book. My embarrassments aren't only for me to learn from. Sure, I'll be slightly red-faced while sharing, but I'll get over it. I'm just ready to relinquish the eternal task of keeping responsibility at bay, and distracting myself from its constant knocking. I want to be real- straight up with no ice and no chaser. A shot of honesty is what I, and everyone else, truly need.

Today, someone said I inspired them. Granted, it was my mom, but still... it meant a lot. Little does she know (I hope she does) she inspires me too. She recently moved out of a basement room into a small apartment. But the thing is she's so frugal with her money, so responsible with it, she deserves whatever purchase she makes. I can learn from that; I can learn from her.

If you see something, say something. Simple as that.

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