Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I might keep it short and safe, for a while.

Recently, I got a rather drastic haircut. Five inches at least? Anyhow, I like the style and I might keep it this short for a while.

Just as I do with every other insignificant event in my life, I'm reading into this much deeper than necessary. But at least this time, I'm consciously making the decision instead of letting my thoughts aimlessly wander into a tangled knot of psychological mishaps.

[Preface: It has come to my attention that I use too many adjectives in my writing, which ends up withering and watering down the thrust I strive for. I actually have this problem in common with most of Adelphi's honors college. Yes, we like using big words and yes, we like shoving them in every available crevice within a sentence. This was the reason one of my professors assigned an essay to be written in the form of a business memo. Coincidentally, I got an A+ on the essay, and it was one of my geekiest, yet proudest moments. Lesson learned? With great straighforwardness, comes great success.]

My haircut is short and concise, yet not harsh to look at. It is possible to be like this verbally as well. You can be direct, but not insulting. Most times being blunt is harder for me, but easier for another to understand. So... And so.

I'll bite the bullet. I'll slice my word count in half (WAIT! Maybe just thirds) and say what I mean. But the notion doesn't stop here. I have to follow through.

[This is the start of something good, don't you agree? I haven't felt like this in so may moons, you know what I mean? And we can build through this destruction as we are standing on our feet. So since you want to be with me you have to follow through on every single word you say. And I all I really want is you, you to stick around, I'll see you everyday, but you have to follow through. -Gavin DeGraw, "Follow Through" ]

And, I'll do what I say.

I like this style. I might keep it short for a while.



I'll let time wash away the relevance
of emotion that could crumble me.
I'll keep the eclectic collection of feelings sealed away
in a steel safe.
I've reserved the key,
and the choice to use it.
But I walk from the past
toward the future
and find myself

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